Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The people of Camp Living Water

The People of CLW

CLW people are special!! we are a team, a family, and a bunch of wacky people!!

First your camp director -- Joanna and I have been at CLW since 1992. We came from a background in the Coast Guard in the Carolinas and Florida and the Carribean. After that, we served for four years at Camp Horizon in Leesburg FL.

We raised our family at camps -- Josh, Julie and Hannah.  All three have been a big part of the ministry at CLW.

Josh is a full-time staff member, our Maintenance Director, so he keeps the everything operating smoothly   He and his wife Leah (who he met at CLW one summer) have an action-packed family. . . so there are always little children around here!! the kids help a lot too -- and they are Papa's favorite hiking buddies!!

Julie assists with kitchen and office projects.   She is married to Jeremy Widman, and they have four children.

Hannah often serves as a chief summer camp cook.  She now serves full-time reaching out to mid-eastern refugees around Nashville, with Servants Group International.

Alex Reed is here as our year-round Program Director.  He has been a big part of summer camps for at least eight years.  He runs our soccer programs retreats, and assists with serving guests.

Then there's our summer staff.  We love to get lots of young people involved here every summer. Most of them are former campers, who are now giving back to others what they benefitted from as teens.  They go through an intensive leadership training program called CIT for at least two summers, learning to be counselors, kitchen staff, and program leaders. As they move into college years they help train the new CIT staff, and take charge of the kitchen crew, worship team and activity teams.

We also look forward each week of summer to the adult volunteers who join us as counselors and cooks, shoppers and maintenance workers during their vacation time.  They are always a blessing and they get to experience first-hand what the kids from their families and churches are so excited about when they talk about camp!!


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